Is your book autobiographical? – one of the most popular questions asked by readers. And yet – one of those questions that do not have an unambiguous answer. For example, is my story “The Man with My Name” autobiographical? Yes and no. After all, it all depends on what to consider an autobiography.
If a biography in the sense of a life road – then no. This is not my story, it cannot be autobiographical if to judge by the plot, since the plot line is fully fictional. The book could be so only if it were written by the protagonist himself. Although, of course, there are always suspicions that the author is just hiding behind his character.
But in terms of thoughts and visions of certain situations, there are a lot of me in the book, at least the one I was like when writing the book. It describes my worldview, my assessment of events, the characters may inherit some of my traits.
Therefore, the answer will be yes and no. My books are not autobiographical, but there are a lot of me there.